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Debt Management Plans, which are often called DMPs, are plans that allow debt relief providers to work directly with creditors to secure benefits. These benefits, which vary by creditor, typically include reduced interest rates, lower monthly payments, waived fees such as late fees and over the limit fees. If the DMP works within your budget, you may find this to be your first and best option…
It can happen to anyone. Your credit card statement has a mistake on it. Do you know how to handle credit card disputes? If you discover a billing error from one of your creditors, you can do something about it. The provisions of the Fair Credit Billing Act can help you settle any errors and disputes you may have with your creditors. Keep in mind it only applies to revolving credit accounts such as credit cards, department store cards, and overdraft protection for your checking account…
Under debt settlement, a creditor agrees to accept less than the amount you owe. Even though it may sound like a good deal, it’s not an option for most people. Typically, you hire a debt settlement company to negotiate with your creditors on your behalf. Read more details on how debt settlement works and the risks you face…